Image of COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus
Clean Air Sciences, Inc. recently performed a Post-Decontamination/Deep Cleaning Fomite Efficacy Sampling for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The client had an employee that had symptoms and then tested positive, and they wanted to make sure their customers and other employees were protected by having the decontamination/deep cleaning performed.
This confirmation sampling project was designed to make sure that the contractor was thorough and that high contact surfaces and high-use items such as computer equipment were free of viral genetic material that might still be infectious. Sample results will determine whether the keyboard and mouse should be disposed of/replaced. Several other high-use contact surfaces (fomites) were sampled where the employee spent their workday.
Workplace COVID-19 Assesments

Computer mouse & keyboard fomite sample location.
Call us today if you would like to schedule an investigation to determine if COVID-19 virus shedding genetic material contamination is present in your occupied space at work or at home after a confirmed infected co-worker, employee, friend, or family member was there. Clean Air Sciences, Inc. is now performing air sampling for viral genetic material from SARS-CoV-2 known as COVID-19 to determine if ventilation system HVAC distribution is occurring and along with fomite surface sampling gives a complete picture of the impact on occupancy so that decontamination appropriate to the contamination is performed.
Sampling prior to decontamination can determine the area(s) impacted, and if you have a large commercial office space with many employees, this could save tens of thousands of ($) dollars.
Once an impact area is cleaned Post-Decon Efficacy Sampling will provide peace of mind to occupants that infectious viral genetic material is no longer present. Depending upon your timing needed for sample results and budget (based upon the cost of being closed for business vs. cost of sample turnaround time), we can get data the same day the sample is received by the lab, or in 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours (72 is most often used due to cost).