Industrial Hygiene
Our Industrial Hygiene Services include:
- Indoor air quality (IAQ) studies
- Worker exposure monitoring and assessment
- OSHA compliance studies for chemicals, particulates, and other safety issues
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) audits
- Training in proper PPE use and respiratory protection, and employee quantitative fit-testing
- Monitoring of hexavalent chromium and other metals
- Air monitoring for VOCs, toxic gases, explosive atmospheres, and oxygen-depleting atmospheres
Sampling is conducted according to OSHA and NIOSH methods and only American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) accredited laboratories are contracted for sample analysis.
Clean Air Sciences, Inc. personnel have the experience and training for your IH needs. All fieldwork is conducted by our environmental scientist who was a former consultant for the U. S. EPA Region V Superfund Technical Assessment Response Team (START2) contract in Chicago, IL, and the Site Assessment and Technical Assistance (SATA) contract for U.S. EPA Region III in Wheeling, WV. Experience includes:
- Provided responsible party oversight during multimedia site assessment which included a cone penetrometer testing (CPT) rapid oscillating technology (ROST) unit with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) to determine hydrocarbon presence, observation well installation, geoprobe sampling, groundwater sampling, and electromagnetic surveys for site closure and settlement negotiations.
- Assisted EPA On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) during Chicago area canal pilot project site with canal inspections, oil sheen dynamics, and product source identification, providing absorbent boom maintenance oversight of responsible party contractors, oversight of EPA contractor during pipeline closures, acting as Site Health and Safety Coordinator, and aid in the planning of phytoremediation study.
- CERCLA removal action project oversight, technical documentation, site health and safety, contractor oversight, particulate monitoring, high-volume air sampling, and use of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) unit to determine post-excavation soil concentrations.
- Performed site investigations, site entry, monitoring of hazardous atmospheres, multimedia (soil, water, air, biological) environmental sampling, and making health and safety recommendations for site activities.
- On-call for Emergency Response to environmental hazards, oil spills, and transportation accidents, performing level “B” PPE site entry and reconnaissance, and assisting US EPA with over-site of response activities.
- Air monitored for explosive conditions, mercury vapors, and organic vapors.
For more information about our experience see our About page and the Resume page of Don Paxton.
Call an Industrial Hygienist Now at 847-344-0607

Personnel Monitoring
Exposure monitoring and PPE review for metals machining client.

Personnel Monitoring
Exposure monitoring for machining oil and coolant aerosols.

Exposure monitoring for hexavalent chromium during welding.